Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday The 13th~Best Day Ever

I would not call myself terribly superstitious, although I did wear the same feather in my hair for the entire run of Chicago that I stage managed and I have a lucky undergarment for important occasions. But Friday the 13th has never been a day that I got too worked up about. In fact, giving control to the date because it falls on a certain day of the week can really limit the potential for a very joyous twenty-four hour period.

This Friday the 13th has exceeded all expectations for joy, gratitude and love. Beginning with a beautiful piece of music I stumbled upon this morning only to receive said piece of music from my sister as a fantastic surprise at work. And even though it was a working Friday, I got to be a supportive ear to my very dear friend when she really needed me. Had I taken today off to hide under the covers, there would be two unhappy people in the world that didn't need to be that way.

Lastly, I spent an evening with family that was absolutely priceless. Between the epic water balloon fight, laser bubble guns and light saber battles, tree climbing records being set, bonfires touching the sky, fireworks and watermelon~not a moment was wasted worrying about what could possibly go wrong.

As I sit here watching the last moments of this Friday the 13th tick away, I am grateful that I have learned the lesson of perspective and the limitless power I have to make any day "lucky". It is all in how you look at it and how you choose to share your energy. Today I chose joy and it was returned to me ten-fold.

So for this, Friday the 13th of July, 2012 I am so very thankful that I squeezed every ounce of joy out of this day and let everyone I care about know how much I love them.

Peace & Love,


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